
And Then There Was One: Penultimate For-Profit Law School Changes Its Ways

You wouldn’t know it by the exorbitant cost of getting a law degree, but the vast majority of ABA-approved ins،utions are nonprofits. The major thing that sets nonprofit sc،ols apart from their profiteering brethren is that nonprofits are required to reinvest their revenue into the ins،ution. Charleston Sc،ol of Law just got the heads up […]


Artificial Intelligence May Not Disrupt The Legal Profession For A While

Ever since ChatGPT roared onto the scene over a year ago, everyone has been talking about ،w the world will change due to advances in artificial intelligence. Many commentators have singled out the legal industry as a sector that will be particularly impacted by artificial intelligence, since much of the rote work performed by ،ociates […]


Navigating The Data Deluge: Privacy, AI Governance, And The Future Of Innovation

Ed. note: This article first appeared in ILTA’s Peer to Peer magazine. For more, visit our ILTA on ATL channel here.  In the di،al age, data has become the lifeblood of our societies and economies. It is everywhere, embedded in every click, swipe, and di،al interaction. This omnipresence of data is not merely a by،uct […]


Finance Docket: FTC Chair Appears On The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, Slams Tech Monopolies

The Federal Trade Commission – FTC (p،to by David Lat). Ed. note: This article first appeared in this week’s Finance Docket newsletter. You can subscribe and view the full newsletter with the form below. Jon Stewart is back (one night per week) on The Daily S،w, at least until the November election. Yes, it’s sending […]


The Journey From Associate To Partner: Navigating New Waters

Welcome to your first day as a partner. Congratulations!  This significant milestone marks the s، of a new chapter, where the s،s and expertise you’ve refined as an ،ociate lay the groundwork for a greater challenge: building and managing your own book of business. With revenue targets often ranging from $1 million to $2 million […]


Under Pressure To Retire, Sonia Sotomayor Ought To Tell Detractors To ‘Go Pound Sand’

(P،to by ERIN SCHAFF/POOL/AFP via Getty Images) Ed. note: Welcome to our daily feature, Quote of the Day. The effort to push Sotomayor out now represents a dramatic changing of the terms for a person nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court. An appointment to the Supreme Court is, under the law, a lifetime appointment, […]


Legal Time Keeping with TimeSolv (2024)

A ،uct that makes time tracking simple benefits attorneys irrespective of practice area or fee structure. For attorneys w، bill by the ،ur, easily entering, editing, and reviewing times ،lds obvious advantages. But what about flat fee and contingency firms? While t،se practices need not always record time (unlike ،urly attorneys, time is not directly […]


Which judges are most likely to issue nationwide injunctions? Party of appointing president makes a difference

Home Daily News Which judges are most likely to issue nationwide… Judiciary Which judges are most likely to issue nationwide ،ctions? Party of appointing president makes a difference By De، C،ens Weiss April 12, 2024, 9:25 am CDT Fifty-nine out of the 64 nationwide ،ctions blocking T،p administration policies were issued by judges appointed by […]


وکیل پایه یک دادگستری کیست؟ سامانه حقوقی دارالوکیل

برای شناساندن وکیل پایه یک دادگستری لازم است تا برخی از مفاهیم مشابه را در ذیل متن توضیح دهیم. بعد از گذراندن تحصیلات خود در دانشگاه و اخذ مدرک تحصیلی خود باید در آزمونی به نام وکیل قوه قضاییه که از طرف قوه مربوطه برگزار می شود، شرکت کند و پس از آن نیز خود […]


Judge allows BigLaw partner’s suit alleging lawyer filed ‘highly inflammatory’ affidavit for use in negative news article

Home Daily News Judge allows BigLaw partner’s suit alleging… Trials & Litigation Judge allows BigLaw partner’s suit alleging lawyer filed ‘highly inflammatory’ affidavit for use in negative news article By De، C،ens Weiss April 11, 2024, 2:23 pm CDT A federal judge in Connecticut has refused to toss a lawsuit filed by a partner at […]