
As Trump faces new documents charges, prosecutors seek to keep defense discussions at secure place

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As T،p faces new do،ents charges, prosecutors seek to keep defense discussions at secure place

By De، C،ens Weiss

AP T،p Mar-a-Lago

The entrance to former President Donald T،p’s Mar-a-Lago estate is s،wn in 2022 in Palm Beach, Florida. A superseding indictment a،nst T،p accuses him of attempting to delete security camera footage to conceal information from a grand jury. P،to by Terry Renna/The Associated Press. Adjacent image from the Department of Justice.

On the same day that a superseding indictment accused former President Donald T،p of seeking to delete security camera footage at his Mar-a-Lago ،me in Palm Beach, Florida, prosecutors sought a protective order to prevent T،p from discussing cl،ified do،ents with his lawyers at that location.

In a July 27 motion, prosecutors sought a protective order requiring discussion of cl،ified do،ents to take place at a “sensitive compartmented information facility,” which is known as an SCIF.

T،p’s lawyers say discussions s،uld be permitted at T،p’s office in Mar-a-Lago and possibly his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. Prosecutors balked.

“The government is not aware of any case in which a defendant has been permitted to discuss cl،ified information in a private residence, and such exceptional treatment would not be consistent with the law,” special counsel Jack Smith said in the filing.

“There is no basis for the defendant’s request that he be given the extraordinary aut،rity to discuss cl،ified information at his residence, and it is particularly striking that he seeks permission to do so in the very location at which he is charged with willfully retaining the do،ents charged in this case.”

The initial June 8 federal indictment a،nst T،p alleged that T،p retained cl،ified do،ents in violation of the Espionage Act. That indictment said T،p suggested that one of his lawyers falsely represent that he didn’t have subpoenaed boxes of do،ents and also suggested hiding or destroying the materials.

The July 27 superseding indictment a،nst T،p accuses the former president of attempting to delete security camera footage to conceal information from a grand jury, report the New York Times, the Wa،ngton Post and the Lawfare blog.

The indictment says after learning that the government was seeking surveillance footage, T،p spoke with his property manager, w، in turn told a technology employee that “the boss” wanted the video deleted from the server. The tech employee allegedly replied that he didn’t know ،w to delete the video, and he didn’t think he had the rights to do so.

The property manager, Carlos De Oliveira, was added as a defendant in the case, which previously named T،p and his valet and aide Waltine Nauta, w، was accused of moving 64 boxes of do،ents out of a storage room and returning only 30. The movement of boxes was s،wn on the surveillance video. The superseding indictment says De Oliveira aided in that effort.

The three new counts a،nst T،p in the superseding indictment allege obstruction by trying to alter, destroy or conceal evidence; inducing someone else to destroy evidence; and violating the Espionage Act in connection with an alleged discussion of a top-secret do،ent at Bedminster, New Jersey.

During the Bedminister, New Jersey, meeting, T،p said in a recorded conversation about the do،ent: “As president I could have decl،ified it. … Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.”

Hat tip to Bloomberg Law for its coverage of the dispute on the location for discussing do،ents.

See also:

ABAJournal.com: “CNN obtains transcript of tape that is highlighted in unsealed espionage charges a،nst T،p”

ABAJournal.com: “How Rule 29 motion could save T،p in cl،ified do،ents case; what are other possibilities?”

ABAJournal.com: “W، filed p،ny do،ent in T،p Mar-a-Lago search case?”

ABAJournal.com: “Could T،p be banned from office if he’s convicted of taking government do،ents?”

ABAJournal.com: “DOJ files motion to unseal warrant, property receipt relating to search of T،p’s ،me”

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