
Could Law Schools Not Be Anti-Semitic? Thx – See Also

thumbs-up-2056022_640Biglaw Firms Give Low Effort Commitment To Fight Anti-Semitism: This the most you could muster?

Imagine T،p Going To Prison Over A Gag Order: Ty Cobb already imagined it.

Using AI For Celebrity Endor،ts Probably Isn’t Legal: If they can do this to Scar Jo, they can do this to anyone.

Maybe Don’t Try To Scam An Entire Building Of Lawyers?: Especially not Latham & Watkins.

There’s A Brand New St. Louis Attraction!: Welcome to the city, Quarles & Brady!

منبع: https://abovethelaw.com/2023/11/could-law-sc،ols-not-be-anti-semitic-thx-see-also/