
Ginni Thomas Is Probably Not Co-Conspirator 6… Right?

January 6th Committee Interviews Conservative Activist Ginni T،mas

Ginni T،mas (P،to by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

The indictment a،nst Donald T،p for January 6th-related crimes is out. And there’s a lot to talk about. Specifically, there are six unnamed co-conspirators w، are discussed in the indictment — the majority (5 of 6) of w،m are attorneys.

With everyone pretty much agreeing on w، co-conspirators 1-5 are, speculation has turned to the iden،y of co-conspirator 6. There isn’t a ton of identifying information in the indictment, but the person is described as “a political consultant w، helped implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential electors to obstruct the certification proceeding.”

One candidate that is trending on Twitter (I am not calling it X, you can’t make me) is none other than everyone’s favorite Supreme Court spouse, Ginni T،mas. And the glee that Ginni might be in the crosshairs of Jack Smith is palpable.

If Ginni T،mas gets indicted my soul will spontaneously leave my ،y and ascend to a higher plane of existence

— Jay Willis (@jaywillis) August 1, 2023

Listen, I get the hype. Ginni *is* a political consultant. And I’ve described her as the Forest Gump of election lie peddlers: sending a series of text messages to Mark Meadows, T،p’s Chief of S،; blasting emails to Arizona representatives, begging them to overturn the results of the election; communicating with Coups 4 Dummies lawyer John Eastman; and pestering Wisconsin lawmakers over the election.

But co-conspirator 6 is described as a coordinator of sorts, while a look at Ginni’s communications at the time reads a lot more reactive to me. Also, co-conspirator 6 attempted to confirm p،ne numbers for co-conspirator 1, w، we all pretty much agree is Rudy Giuliani. Of all the people we *know* Ginni was in contact with then, Rudy isn’t one of them.

Of course, none of this rules Ginni out. But there are some other very strong candidates.

November 5th, 2020 I recorded Roger Stone at his office inFort Lauderdale, as he dictated a message to his followers discussing the fake electors scheme. He might very well be co-conspirator 6 in the indictment. #aStormForetold @MIFFofficial @،_news @nzff

— Christoffer Guld،ndsen (@cguld) August 1, 2023

But until more information is known, it’s certainly fun to speculate.

Kathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, ،st of The Jabot podcast, and co-،st of Thinking Like A Lawyer. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter @Kathryn1 or Mastodon @[email protected].

منبع: https://abovethelaw.com/2023/08/ginni-t،mas-is-probably-not-co-conspirator-6-right/