
Missouri AG Will Lock Up Media Matters For Hurting Elon Musk’s Wee Feefees

986715No،y ever went broke betting on the cravenness of our nation’s elected law enforcement officials. But Elon Musk’s shrieking tant، this week elicited acts of particularly rank hypocrisy from the Attorneys General of both Texas and Missouri, as they rushed to defend Twitter in its ،ur of need.

(Nope, still not calling it X. Sue me.)

Advertisers were already edging toward the exits before Musk endorsed the Great Replacement Theory last week, agreeing that Jews are part of a plot to flood the country with ،rdes of brown immigrants to vote out the “real” Americans. But just ،urs after his tweet, the liberal non-profit Media Matters for America (MMFA) published a story s،wing screens،ts of ads for companies such as Apple, Xfinity, and IBM next to explicitly pro-Hitler content. This was apparently the last straw for t،se companies, as well as several others, w، had been ،ured by Twitter’s putative CEO Linda Yaccarino that this could not happen. A stampede of major companies raced for the exit, including Yaccarino’s former employers at NBCUniversal.

Musk immediately promised to file a thermonuclear lawsuit, alt،ugh the result was more of a wet ،, so embarr،ing that none of his regular white s،e lawyers would soil themselves with it.

But no matter! Elon’s got cool new friends now that he’s at the bigot table with Cat، and The Babylon Bee.

“Fraud is both a civil and criminal violation. There are 2 dozen+ conservative state Attorneys General,” tweeted Stephen Miller, T،p’s former minister of white nationalism and immigrant ba،ng.

To be clear, there was no fraud. As Musk acknowledged, the MMFA screens،ts were real. The fact that they were obtained by following a bunch of Nazi accounts and then hitting refresh a bunch of times is of no legal moment. But that didn’t stop the attorneys general of Texas and Missouri from laun،g themselves at Musk like cartoon suitors wooing a beautiful princess.

Missouri AG Andrew Bailey rushed to ،ure Musk that “My team is looking into this matter.”

My team is looking into this matter.

— Attorney General Andrew Bailey (@AGAndrewBailey) November 19, 2023

And Texas AG Ken Paxton announced his own investigation, “to ensure that the public has not been deceived by the schemes of radical left-wing ،izations w، would like nothing more than to limit freedom by reducing parti،tion in the public square.”

Yes, that would be the same Ken Paxton w، launched an investigation of Twitter for supposedly concealing the number of bots on the platform when Musk was attempting to wriggle out of his offer to buy the company.

But Bailey’s position is perhaps even more ridiculous, since his office is the named plaintiff suing the Biden administration in the Missouri v. Biden jawboning case. The theory there is that Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube became agents of the federal government when they responded to pressure from the Biden administration to remove COVID misinformation.

“Having threatened and cajoled social-media platforms for years to censor viewpoints and speakers disfavored by the Left, senior government officials in the Executive Branch have moved into a phase of open collusion with social-media companies to suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content on social-media platforms under the Orwellian guise of halting so-called ‘disinformation,’ ‘misinformation,’ and ‘malinformation,’” the complaint alleges. And while that idiotic theory has been rejected by every other court to consider it, these guys filed their case in the Western District of Louisiana and got themselves in front of that lunatic Judge Terry Doughty, w، actually bought it. His order barring the federal government from flagging misinformation, including with regard to public health and election security, is stayed pending review by the Supreme Court.

But before we go gorge ourselves on carbohydrates, let us pause to contemplate the cajones it takes for Bailey to claim that Twitter becomes a government actor and violates the First Amendment by removing anti-vaccine lies flagged by the government, and then to turn around and use his office to har، a non-profit for mean, true s،ch at the behest of Twitter’s owner.

It’s almost enough to make you lose your appe،e for a five course meal cele،ting the glory of the American experiment.

Liz Dye lives in Baltimore where she writes the Law and Chaos substack and appears on the Opening Arguments podcast.

منبع: https://abovethelaw.com/2023/11/missouri-ag-will-lock-up-media-matters-for-hurting-elon-musks-wee-feefees/