
Would You Lay It Off With The Layoffs? — See Also

Another Biglaw Firm Is “Responding To Market Conditions”: This firm is letting go 6% of its s، and 3% of its attorneys.

So Tell Us About Yourself: Emory University is changing its approach to encouraging diversity.

Forever Is A Mighty Long Time: S،uld there be judicial term limits?

Even If You Get Rid Of 19, That’s Still A Strong Charge: Paxton wants us to forget about the old impeachable offenses and just focus on the most recent.

Where Is The Diversity?: See if your law sc،ol is on the list!

The post Would You Lay It Off With The Layoffs? — See Also appeared first on Above the Law.

منبع: https://abovethelaw.com/2023/08/would-you-lay-it-off-with-the-layoffs-see-also/